Decorations for Wedding
The project “Decorations for Wedding” was born at the end of 2013 inspired by an intuition of one of the Bellacci sisters.
In love with beauty, everything regarding ceremonies and atmosphere of events, Alessandra, while studying and realising the prototype for a finished product destined to a well-known fashion brand, reflects on the beauty of flower decorations which adorn wedding locations, Communions, baptisms and Confirmations, but she also thinks about the caducity of all that bloom, those colours and perfumes.
Furthermore she reflects on the common habit of many ladies and young ladies who take part to those celebrations and love picking a flower or a bud from bouquets, garlands and festoons to keep the memory.
Here is her realization: why not producing ornaments having the same beauty, colour and perfume as the natural ones with flowers manufactured with equally natural materials but which remain unaltered in time? These products will not only be kept but they will also continue to adorn perhaps a photograph, a table, a corner of everyday surroundings so perpetrating in time that particular atmosphere and those memories?
All of a sudden the bouquet and all bride accessories from the wedding dress sash to hair bands, hairpins, shoe applications and gloves. Then, all decorations made on spheres and with pedestals for the church, from ribbons for benches to the wedding ring cushions are born.
And furthermore the garland for your wedding car, place cards for the banquet table, the sphere for the disposition of tables, bonbonnières and bonbonnière containers.
In short an infinite world of accessories, ornaments, decorations which can make your ceremony, whatever it will be, unforgettable and remembered thanks to some of those objects later used again in everyday life.
Participation to Fairs in Milan, Florence, Rome and Naples has confirmed, with curiosity for this new innovation and request for products, the success of this idea.
All of these exclusive products are absolutely handmade in our workshop using materials and treatment strictly following the rules for health, safety, and “Made in Italy” label.
More than 3.000 items for the combination of 18 types of different flowers with about 24 colours of shades and different finishings are provided for.
In addition, any Customer is free to indulge his/her fancy in a combination of flowers and colours and even if they are not available, they will in a short time to meet his/her requests in a very short time.
And if ceremonies are by now, because of our age, a distant memory, a dinner with friends, a birthday or a special date can be cheered up thanks to “Decorations for Wedding” by Ricamificio “La Perla”.
Total Look |
Flowers and colours |
Wedding Products |